Notification Module for Adminetic Admin Panel
Notification module for Adminetic Admin Panel
Contains: -
Notification Setting Panel
Step 1: Composer Install
You can install the package via composer:
Copy composer require adminetic/notify
Step 2: Database Notification
Publish database notification migration
Copy php artisan notification:table
Step 3: Migrate
Migrate notification table.
Step 4: Config
Publish config file
Copy php artisan vendor:publish --tag=notify-config
Step 5: Notification Bell
Place notification bell component to views/admin/layouts/components/header
Copy <div class="nav-right col-8 pull-right right-header p-0">
{{-- Other Codes --}}
Include Adminetic Notification Adapter
In config/adminetic.php, include
Copy // Adapters
'adapters' => [
Configuration File
Copy <?php
return [
| Notification Configuration
'available_notification_medium_in_system' => ['database', 'mail'],
| 'database','mail'
'general_notification_mediums' => ['database', 'mail'],
| Default Admin Notification By Role
'admin_notification_by_role' => ['superadmin', 'admin'],
| Polling Configuration
| Note pusher will be turned off if polling is turned on
'polling' => true,
'polling_intervals' => 10000
Note: Pusher will be turned of if polling is turned on
Default Setting Notification using : generalNotify()
Copy generalNotify([
'title' => 'Hello',
'message' => 'Default Notification'
This notification will go to all admin users by default, if you want custom user notification you can pass the user collection
Copy $users = User::latest()->take(3)->get();
'title' => 'Hello',
'message' => 'Default Notification'
Setting configuration for general notification is generated at notification setting
Custom Notification using : notify()
Steps :
Create a notification setting with its name and group
Configure its default value
Extract its name to be used on notify() helper function for example if you named the notification setting as "New User Notification" use notify('new_user_notification')
Copy notify('new_user_notification',[
'title' => 'Hello',
'message' => 'Default Notification'
Default Setting Override
Required field title
and message
Overridable properties are:-
Copy notify('new_user_notification',[
'title' => 'Hello',
'message' => 'Default Notification',
'subject' => 'About Default Notification',
'action' => GeneralNotification::BROWSE, // BROWSE, READ, EDIT, ADD, DELETE if not don't pass action
'color' => 'primary', // primary, secondary, warning, info, danger
'type' => GeneralNotification::BROWSE, // INFO, ALERT, REMINDER, MESSAGE, NEWS REPORT
'severity' => GeneralNotification::MID, // INSIGNIFICANT, READ, EDIT, ADD DELETE
'icon' => 'fa fa-bell' // Any fontawesome icon
'channels' => ['database','mail'],
'audience' => [1,2,3], // User IDs
'allow_dismiss' => true // Close Button
'newest_on_top' => true,
'mouse_over' => true, // Mouse over close disable
'showProgressBar' => true,
'spacing' => 5,
'timer' => 1000 // In millisecond
'placement_from' => 'bottom', // Vertical Alignment
'animate_enter' => 'bounceIn',
'animate_exit' => 'rubberBand'