With the installation of Adminetic you will find a new configuration file located at config/adminetic.php
In this file you can find various options to change the configuration of your Adminetic installation.
If you cache your configuration files please make sure to run php artisan config:clear
after you changed something.
Below we will take a deep dive into the configuration file and give a detailed description of each configuration set.
App Information
Copy /*
| Application Information
'title' => env('APP_NAME', 'Adminetic'),
'prefix' => 'Admine',
'suffix' => 'tic',
'logo' => '',
'favicon' => 'adminetic/static/favicon.png',
'description' => 'Laravel Adminetic Admin Panel Upgrade.',
'admin_home' => '/admin/dashboard',
UI Configuration
Copy /*
| UI Configuration
// Header
'mega_menu' => false,
'level_menu' => false,
'language_drawer' => false,
'search' => false,
'notification' => false,
'quick_menu' => false,
'dark_light_toggle' => true,
'fullscreen_expander' => true,
'profile' => true,
Card Setting
This is global setting for any card used in the system
Copy /*
| Card Setting
'card' => '',
'card_header' => 'b-l-primary border-3',
'card_action_enabled' => true,
'card_class' => '',
'card_body' => 'shadow-lg',
'card_footer' => '',
'card_footer_enabled' => false,
Copy /*
| Notify Configuraion
'notify_icon' => 'fa fa-bell-o',
'notify_type' => 'theme',
'notify_allow_dismiss' => true,
'notify_delay' => 2000,
'notify_showProgressbar' => true,
'notify_timer' => 300,
'notify_newest_on_top' => true,
'notify_mouse_over' => true,
'notify_spacing' => 1,
'notify_animate_in' => 'animated fadeInDown',
'notify_animate_out' => 'animated fadeOutUp',
Route Configuration
Copy /*
| Admin Dashboard Route Configurations
'prefix' => 'admin',
'middleware' => ['web', 'auth'],
OAuth Configuration
Copy /*
| OAuth Socialite Configuration
'enable_socialite' => true,
'github_socialite' => true,
'facebook_socialite' => true,
'google_socialite' => false,
Auth Configuration
Copy /*
| Auth Configuration
'login_view' => 'adminetic::admin.auth.login',
'register_view' => 'adminetic::admin.auth.register',
'default_user_role' => 'user',
'default_user_role_level' => 1,
Data Configuration
Copy /*
| Data Settings
'caching' => true,
'migrate_with_dummy' => false,
Asset Initialization
Copy 'assets' => [
'name' => 'Datepicker',
'active' => true,
'files' => [
'type' => 'css',
'active' => true,
'location' => 'adminetic/assets/css/vendors/date-picker.css',
'type' => 'js',
'active' => true,
'location' => 'adminetic/assets/js/datepicker/date-picker/datepicker.js',
'type' => 'js',
'active' => true,
'location' => 'adminetic/assets/js/datepicker/date-picker/datepicker.en.js',
plugin takes array of plugin where
active: (bool) dictates if plugin is active or not
files: JS and CSS location of plugin
type: plugin file type (css|CSS|js|JS)
location: location of plugin file inside public folder